Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Human Development The Persepectives Of An Individual...

Anylysing human development throguht the persepectives of an Individual narrative can provide an overwhelming sense During the prenatal stage my mother remained healthy throghout the summer pregnancy. I was born at an average birth weight of 8.0 pound with no complacations through assisted vaginal birth, even with the increased risk of being the second child. My healthy birthweight reflected my mothers diligince in healthy eating, avoidance of tetragens, and staying active throughout the pregnancy. According to Urie Bronfenbrenner’s theory of the ecological model every person is affected by a number of external sytems which interelate with eachother to support human development (Berger, 2008 pg 6). The microsystem of my mother included her friends and family, who supported her throughout the pregnancy by looking after my older sibling, housekeeping and cooking so that my mother could remain at her prime health. This provided a safe enviroment to carry a child to full term, as any emotions or stress my mother underwent externally had the ability to cross the placenta to me as a fetus (Berk, 2010). In the immediate moments following my birth I was placed on my mothers chest for skin-to-skin contact, a practice that forsters a relationship between the newborn child and mother immediately following delivery (Moore, Anderson Bergman, 2011). As a newborn my tempreture was regulated by the contact with my mothers which aided in establishing Erik Eriksons first stage of Trust

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