Thursday, December 5, 2019

First Aid free essay sample

Autumn Price Assessing Risk In Sport Operating Procedures and Good Practices First Aid All companies and businesses will have people who are trained in first aid. First aid is in place to ensure that there is somebody there to deal with emergencies. If first aid cannot be administrated on the premises, it means that it should be moved to the hospital. It is important to have staff that are trained in first aid. There are courses available that people can take where they will learn how to, provide information to a more qualified person, prevent conditions worsening, promote recovery and most importantly preserve life. For example in Honeywell Sports centre, all members of the sporting staff are trained in first aid, this is to make sure that if anything does occur there will always be somebody there who can deal with it, as sports facilities are at a high risk for injuries and accidents. We will write a custom essay sample on First Aid or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is important that there are people who are trained, if they didn’t it could lead to legal action. This could be undertaken if there are no members of staff who are trained, or if somebody who isn’t qualified tries to deal with the situation. It is also important that there are first aid kits available, which have been checked so that they are always in date and always have the correct equipment in. Staff Training Legalisation, regulations and codes of practice are always changing; therefore it is important to have training so that the employees and the safety representatives are up to date. Regular training will ensure that the representatives always no exactly the best way and the up to date way to deal with situations. Staff training involves sending staff on appropriate seminars, courses and conferences. Internal training could also be put in place for duties specific to the particular job. Relating back to first aid, it is important for the first aid representative to be up to date and know exactly what they are doing. ‘The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations (1981) require that, in order to provide first aid to their employees who are injured or become ill at work, employers must have adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel. Barker, Ray; Gledhill, Adam; Lydon, Chris. BTEC National Sport Book 1 (2nd Edition). Harlow, Essex, GBR: Pearson Education Limited, 2007. p lxxxiv. http://site. ebrary. com/lib/barnsleycoll/Doc? id=10300498ppg=84 Copyright  © 2007. Pearson Education Limited. All rights reserved. This shows that it is important for all employees to have representatives that have had regular training to prevent any legal action been taken. For example in the Honeywell Sports Centre all of the sport staff will have regular training to ensure that they know exactly what to do if a problem occurs. Risk Assessments Risk assessments are undertaken to try and avoid as many accidents and injuries as possible. There are a set of principles outlined in The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations which state different ways in how to decide which action is best taken to reduce risks in the work place. The following are some of the principles; Avoid risk all together if possible. This is the most important principle in good health and safety management. However this is sometimes hard to follow, in some cases you have no way of avoiding them all together and therefore there needs to be principles for those outcomes too. Try to deal with the risk as soon as possible. For example if the floor in one of the changing rooms was slippery, it should be dried immediately. This would be a better way of dealing with it, rather than just putting up a wet floor sign as it removes the risk all together. If a sign was just put up the risk is still there and somebody could still slip if they do not see the sig for example. Communication is vital. All staff should know exactly what they need to do and were they need to be in the event of an incident. Communication is essential for the successful implementation of health and safety measures. If people do not know what to do, it will affect the efficiency. Staff won’t know what they are doing and could therefore make the problem even worse. Safety Procedures and Protocols Established to Maintain a Safe Environment It is important when beginning to establish safety procedures and protocols that a written commitment is produced. The commitment should state that they are providing a safe and inviting sports environment. To ensure that people are aware of this, copies of the policy should be distributed widely and throughout the organisation. This ensures that all of the staff and people who use the sports facility know all the information about the protocols. It is impossible to eradicate all dangerous situations, but it is important that everybody knows how to deal with them, if they ever occur. If problems arise, people should know how to respond immediately. Governing Body Guidelines The governing bodies of sport are in charge of providing guidelines that will provide help and support for sport leaders, coaches and teachers (such as the ones in Honeywell Sports Centre). They mostly set out a code of conduct for the coaches that inform them of everything they will need to be a safe coach, who is aware of their responsibilities. All teachers and coaches at Honeywell will have been given a code of conduct so they know what they should or shouldn’t be teaching them and how to teach it to them. For example in a code of conduct for coaches, it states that coaches must always promote the positive aspects of the sport, like fair play. If the coaches didn’t teach things like this, the players could get into trouble for not participating and acting in the correct manner. Equipment Manufacturers’ Guidelines There are many items of sports equipment that need to be assembled, such as goal posts and basketball nets. These items of equipment need to be put up properly as it could lead to injury. If the posts were to fall down they could land on people and cause them injury. Each set of equipment, when purchased will have instructions on how to assemble it and guidelines on how it should be used; they should all come with the EU approval mark. There should also be instructions and guidelines on smaller pieces of equipment, like footballs. Hey will state information like inflation pressure suggestions and instructions on how to insert the needle to inflate the ball. Again these all prevent injury, if these guidelines aren’t followed the ball could pop, or be too hard. When to Consult With Others At some point, no matter how experienced the person is, everybody needs help and guidance on how to improve. Everybody continues to learn about how to improve the performance, enjoyment and safety of their sports environment and the participants. There are people put in place who have knowledge about these specific areas and it is important for staff to know how to obtain this support. The best time to consult somebody is before undertaking the activity and when you have time to sit down and talk about it properly. For example, if one of the members of staff at Honeywell had to undertake a risk assessment, they could seek guidance from the line manager or HSE. If they didn’t seek guidance, it could result in completing the risk assessment wrong. They could miss something out and this could put the participants in danger. Governing bodies of specific sports also provide support. It is especially important to seek guidance on the topic of local requirements, as they can differ from region to region. Checking with local authorities will ensure that the right precautions are being undertaken.

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